
№ - Монодиодна

Lambda, Medical Equipment, Devices

lambda is a programmable control unit IR LASER suited for regenerative biostimulating and antalgic treatments. It is possible to connect to lambda optional transducer handpiecies. The transducers can have different dimensions and radiation power. This allows to the operator to use the best handpiece accordingly with the choised treatment.


lambda has a security control system which automatically disables the LASER emission in the case of missed or wrong positioning of the emitting handpiece.

Output frequency 0,5-10.000 Hz
Handpiece wavelenght 905 nm
Output pulse lenght 100 nsec
Power supply 90-240 Vac / 50-60 Hz
Electrical input power (VA) 20 VA (lambda) / 25 VA (lambda 2)


• Wide range of preset protocols
• Customized programs
• Indipendent management handpieces
• Handpieces with oneand six LASER emitters
• Automatic scanning of the delivered frequency
• Visualization of the delivered energy (Joule)
• Warning signall on the handpiece lighted during energy delivering
• Automatic recognition of  the connected accessory


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